Unit testing is not about finding bugs Tips for writing great unit tests Test only one code unit at a time Don’t make unnecessary assertions Make each test independent to all the others Mock out all external services and state Don’t unit-test configuration settings Name your unit tests clearly and consistently Write tests for methods that have the fewest dependencies first, and work your way up All methods, regardless of visibility, should have appropriate unit tests Aim for each unit test method to perform exactly one assertion Create unit tests that target exceptions Use the most appropriate assertion methods. Put assertion parameters in the proper order Ensure that test code is separated from production code Do not print anything out in unit tests Do not use static members in a test class Do not write your own catch blocks that exist only to fail a test Do not rely on indirect testing Integrate Testcases with build script Do not skip unit tests Capture results using the XML formatter
Details: http://howtodoinjava.com/2012/11/05/unit-testing-best-practices-junit-reference-guide/